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Thursday, July 13, 2006


"REPRESENTING BEAT CULTURE: Explained! Old BB.Tv: Human Beatboxing - New BB.Tv: Human Beatboxing, Turntablism, Live Bands, Freestyles, Music Production, Dancing ... Beat Culture. Thanks for tuning in! Stay for a while. While you're here, check out: the new Hip Hop beatbox Tutorial, a new Film featuring emcee Stan Ip, the new Music section featuring some great new talent, the brand new Showcase section - this month featuring producers Jake Break and DJ Cappel. Our first DVD "Foundations" is back in stock at: www.micism.com Sorry we took so long to do a second pressing after we sold out of stock, but thanks for the support! Also new this month, in cooperation with www.freeloops.com, BB.Tv is proud to present "MaxB's Beatbox LoopPack Volume One." Check out the Products section for more information. Got a PSP? Know someone who does? Check out our PSP downloads. Download some videos and take Beatbox.Tv with you anywhere you go! Formatted specially for the PSP...clear instructions are also located in the Downloads section. Be sure to drop us an email, old and new folks alike! Also, don't be afraid to submit some of your own material for broadcast on BB.Tv. Scroll over the "Submit Material" buttons or go to the Contact section for instructions on submitting material."

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Tricks Tutorials

"Welcome to Tricks Tutorials.com! You're currently viewing the index page containing the brunt of our tricking tutorial articles and walkthroughs. Tricking is best described as an aesthetic blend of flips, twists, and kicks. This website contains free information pertaining to the understanding and practice of tricking.
First time visitors: Go to our
video section and download the latest video samplers. This will give you an idea of what tricking involves. If you would like to try some of these techniques, I recommend first reading the disclaimer; There is a real risk involved in the practice of tricking that you need to be aware of. Also, you might want to check out our online community sometime. It's a great place to ask questions, answer questions, or discuss tricking with tons of other people. Registration is free."

Friday, July 07, 2006


super_estafeta (e MEDALHAS)

BBC SPORT | swimming

Swimming Last Updated: Friday, 16 December 2005, 20:22 GMT
Phelps causes biggest splash
Michael Phelps wins his sixth gold in the pool in Athens.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


"I felt like it's my time to shine," Eminem says of that performance. "I have to rip this. At that time, I felt that it was a life or death situation." Eminem would soon record the underground classic "5 Star Generals." This record helped establish him in Japan, New York and Los Angeles. It also helped him earn a spot on the inaugural Lyricist Lounge tour, which took him to stages from Philadelphia to Los Angeles. Set to take the hip-hop world by storm with his unique lyrical approach and punishing production, Eminem and his The Slim Shady LP are sure to have listeners captivated."I do say things that I think will shock people," he says. "But I don't do things to shock people. I'm not trying to be the next Tupac, but I don't know how long I'm going to be on this planet. So while I'm here, I might as well make the most of it."

KILL BILL | Quentin Tarantino

"Un mariage en plein désert : un commando fait irruption dans la chapelle, massacre les mariés et leurs invités et disparaît, laissant pour morte la Mariée et l’enfant qu’elle porte.
Après quatre ans de coma, la Mariée se lance à la poursuite des assassins, membres du gang de Bill au sein duquel elle-même exerça autrefois ses talents de tueuse.
Redevenue la redoutable Black Mamba du Détachement International des Vipères Assassines, la Mariée n’a plus qu’une obsession : tuer Bill."

Para ver mais, animações flash, galeria de fotos, música, vídeos, etc:



Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Lordbarth, Bundek and Korni from Quicksilver Clan - Poland, edited photo showing one of our spots with some training possibilities...

Parkour em Portugal

"O Parkour *NÃO* é andar a cair de telhados,
fazer saltos "malucos"
ou impressionar
as pessoas à nossa volta.
O Parkour vive dentro de cada um de nós."

"O Parkour é uma modalidade ainda muito nova mas em clara expansão. Com este site pretendemos divulgar cada vez mais esta actividade, dar a conhecê-la e clarificá-la. Se és novo nisto do Parkour visita já as secções: Parkour - o que é? e Guia de iniciação (em construção...). O Parkour é um desporto urbano, tal como o skateboarding ou rollerblading, mas é diferente destes sendo mais separada a parte artística e tendo a partir daí uma filosofia bem diferente. Onde as pessoas vêem obstáculos, os traceurs vêem oportunidades que envolvem saltos, movimentos diferentes, originais... Pois a ideia é mesmo essa, utilizar os obstáculos e fluir pelo meio de um modo natural e fluído."

le parkour

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

shaolin temple




"O que é o OGame? Como Imperador intergaláctico tens a possibilidade de aumentar o teu poder e a tua influência através da galáxia usando numerosas estratégias. Começas o jogo no teu planeta onde irás construir uma infraestrutura económica e militar graças aos recursos que produzires. Pesquisando novas técnicas e evoluindo os teus edifícios e pesquisas acedes a tecnologias e a sistemas de armas superiores e melhoradas. Durante o jogo tens a possibilidade de colonizar novos planetas e criar alianças com outros Imperadores. Negociar com os outros jogadores e lutar contra impérios inimigos ajudam-te a ganhar recursos para evoluires mais rapidamente."


Monday, July 03, 2006




David Carson

David Carson surfing his Carribean front Yard. (PHOTO:AARON CHANG)

Jack Johnson

"The Moonshine Conspiracy stays true to the roots of surf filmmaking in releasing the anticipated fourth and latest project, “A Brokedown Melody” under the new banner, Woodshed Films. The title track is written & performed by Moonshiner Jack Johnson, who also showcases his surfing skills. The film explores the times, travels and experiences of a tribe of surfers who search for the spark of life and look to pass it on to the younger generation."



Heiarii Williams

Heiarii Williams en taora bodyboard à Taharuu


nadadores salvadores (trio)